About me

Software engineer, world explorer, and higher-purpose seeker

Constantly seeking new ways to innovate, create and contribute to the world.

I am a senior software engineer driven by my passion for creating technologies that can make a positive impact on the world around us.

I am passionate about projects that leverage the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence. I believe that these technologies have the potential to transform our lives for the better, and I'm excited to be part of this rapidly-evolving field. With every breakthrough in AI, we are getting closer to a future where intelligent machines can help us solve some of the world's most pressing problems and make our lives more fulfilling.

I'm a passionate traveler, always seeking out new countries and destinations to explore. If you're curious about where I've been so far, feel free to check out this map that charts my wanderings across the globe here Map

Things that I dream of

As a driven and ambitious engineer, I'm committed to using my skills and knowledge to make a meaningful impact on the world. Some of my goals include:

  • Making a positive difference in the world through innovative and impactful projects.
  • Combating the scourge of human trafficking by leveraging technology and collaboration.
  • Pursuing a path of continuous self-improvement and lifelong learning.
  • Developing software with the highest level of quality and reliability, free of bugs and errors.
  • Seeking solutions to complex computational problems, including the challenging class of Non-deterministic polynomial time problems.